Sober Stories

I was walking on the campus of my alma mater, Michigan State, one day with my friend Lisa. She works there, and knows I’m in long-term recovery. She turned to me and asked, “Would you like to meet some of the students from the CRC, and say hello?” 

I looked at her, perplexed. I had never heard of the CRC.

Hope is that moment you see there’s another way to live.

“Our collegiate recovery community – the CRC,” she explained. “These are communities of students who choose to attend college sober. We can go to their lounge and say hello.”

Since then, I’ve been mentoring young adults in recovery communities at universities, where I travel and speak.

My heartfelt wish is that by hearing these stories featured in The Little Book of College Sobriety, you can approach your own story with tenderness. See how brave you are. Being brave isn’t the absence of fear—it’s pushing through it to get to the other side.

If you’re ready to tell me your story, click here