Submit your story

By telling our stories we become visible. We find our voices and discover all that’s true about ourselves.

Our stories help us to connect, build our communities, and belong to one another. I listen to yours, then you to mine, and we feel less alone.

This is mine.

If you’d like to share your story with me and with our community here, anonymously or named, you can do so here.

Your first name or a pseudonym is fine here.

General guidelines for telling your story:

  • Tell me about your growing up years and how they impacted you, including when you took your first drink or drug.
  • Tell me about the moment you realized you had a problem with drugs or alcohol, or both
  • What was your lowest point?
  • What action(s) did you take to address.
  • What’s your life like today? What keeps you sober?
  • How do you feel about yourself today, now in recovery?
I will keep this confidential.
How would you like your name to appear on your published story? First name is preferred, but you can enter “anonymous” or a pseudonym